Month: October 2014

Post ID: 812

I love walking into the kitchen with no plan, looking at ingredients for inspiration and then improvising a recipe. This was the result of yesterday’s test kitchen: Earl grey poached pears w/ whiskey pecans and maple whipped cream. 

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For all of you ice cream lovers out there, you might want to consider visiting the Grand Central Market in Downtown LA this weekend for the newly opened McConnell’s Fine Ice Creams:

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The food scene at our Sonic Highways screening party!

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Another Instagram account I am obsessed with looking at: Joy the Baker! Inspiration for all things indulgent and sweet.

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Homemade focaccia and roasted artichoke.

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Apple Stack w/ Almond Butter, Honey and Granola. Directions: 1. Core apple and slice into 8 slices. 2. Smooth almond butter onto each slice and stack together. 3. Gently push the apple slices to create a leaning tower.     4. Drizzle with honey and granola.

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If you are not following Heirloom LA on Instagram, you are missing out. This is one of my favorite accounts to drool over. Their food is stunning, their vibe is approachable and their mission is honorable. What more could you ask for?

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The Kitchn’s Cooking School starts today and lasts for 20 days. It is free to sign up and you will get e-mails every day with tips and tricks to successfully navigate the kitchen. You can sign up here at The Kitchn.

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I love that it is officially fall and I plan on baking nonstop until January. This Apple Galette by Alice Waters is one of my all-time favorites that I make to celebrate the new season!